Useful Links
We at Swindon and Wiltshire Pride want to ensure you have support throughout the year. So we have compiled a list of both local and national LGBTQIA+ charities and resources. ​ If you know an LGBTQIA+ charity that should be on the list, contact us using the button below or reach out to us on our social media platforms.
Transgender Support
Training, events, role models, eLearning, Mentoring and more!
Gender-diverse kids, young people and their families
Swindon TG Group - The Swindon local Transgender support group.
Find a Transgender Support Group Near You
Gendered Intelligence - Understanding gender diversity in creative ways including KA-POW (Knowledge is Power) is a new online resource from GI for young Trans and variant people.
Binding- Using a binder to reduce the apparent size of breasts.
Mindline Trans+ - an emotional and mental health support helpline for anyone identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderfluid… (Trans+ support helpline) 0300 330 5468
Supporting Trans Employees Podcast- discuss how employers can support trans employees
Including non-binary people: guidance for service providers and employers (Scottish Trans/Equality Network)This guidance is a resource for service providers and employers who want to ensure they are inclusive of non-binary people.
LGBTQ+ Social Groups
Gay outdoor club- Our main focus is the monthly program of walks and a very active Bristol based cycling group.
Swindon TG Group - The Swindon local Transgender support group.
Young People
Out of the Can Plus LGBTQ+ Youth Group – This is a well-established group with lots of young people (aged 13-19).
It Gets Better - Project created to inspire hope for young people facing harassment.
ChildLine - A free, private and confidential service for anyone under 19 years old, whether it's something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you.
The Albert Kennedy Trust - supports LGBT homeless young people in crisis.
Swindon Trailblazer - An early help mental health service for children and young people between the ages of 5-19 years within Swindon.
Psychology Masters Programs - Promoting LGBTQIA+ friendly schools and universities reduces discrimination and supports mental health, but challenges persist; creating inclusive environments involves policies, education, and support, while students should prioritize self-care and use available resources.
Schools Out - For Schools, Teachers and Students offer training, resources, news and links to make our schools safe and inclusive for everyone.
Diversity Trust - Provides equality, diversity and inclusion training and consultancy.
Stonewall - Campaigns for equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people.
MyUmbrella LGBT+ - A voluntary-led project of Reading Pride to raise awareness of the lesser-known identities across the sexuality, gender, romantic and fetish spectrum's collectively known as LGBT+.
Pronouns A guide from GLSEN- This guide is created to help anyone learn how to use people’s correct pronouns.
An introduction to supporting LGBT children and young people - Getting you started in supporting LGBT children and young people to thrive in education.
Global majority
Imaan - The UK's leading LGBTQ Muslim charity
Stonewall - Community BAME/PoC LGBTQ Role Models programmes
Inclusivity - Supporting BAME Trans People booklet
RCASU - Black-led LGBTQIA organisations to know about
Pride flags and Identities
Click here to view a range of Pride flags and sexual identities.
Swindon or Wiltshire LGBTQ+ social groups
Swindon TG Group - The Swindon local Transgender support group.
Out of the Can Plus LGBTQ+ Youth Group – This is a well established group with lots of young people (aged 13-19).
Gay outdoor club - Monthly program of walks
Salisbury LGBT+ social - People in Salisbury and surrounding areas wanting to meet up and socialise in a coffee shops or pubs etc
Older People
Rainbow Call Companions - Rainbow Call Companions is an award winning free service for older LGBT+ people aged 75 and over who live alone and feel they would enjoy a friendly phone call every week or two with a volunteer who is also LGBT+.
Age UK - Advice and support for older LGBT people
LGBT Age- Welcoming LGBT people aged 50 and over
Disabled and LGBTQ
WiltsCIL - WiltsCIL is user led organisation based in Devizes. Their vision is for all disabled people to be able to live independently through individual choice, control and equal rights.
Regard - Regard is a national organisation that supports people who are disabled and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender queer (LGBTQ).
Brownton Abbey- Brownton Abbey is a political performance party that creates spaces that centre, celebrate and elevate the disabled QTIBPOC community, paving the way towards intersectional and accessible arts, community and activism.
ParaPride- The charity works with venues, public spaces and online platforms to create inclusive events that cater to the needs of all those living with disabilities, mental health and chronic health conditions, and impairments.
Deaf Rainbow UK- a volunteer-led LGBT organisation providing and advocating for, access for queer deaf and hard of hearing (HOH) people across the UK.
Age UK- they brought together information and advice for older LGBT+ people. If you're LGBT+, they aim to help you understand your rights and make sure they’re always respected.
LGBT Health & Wellbeing- they work to improve the health, well-being and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland (but the main principles apply anywhere).
SCIE: Social Care Online-
The UK’s largest database of information and research on all aspects of social care and social work.
Choice Support LGBTQ+- a national charity, formed in 1984, supporting autistic people, and people with learning disabilities or mental health needs.
They have aimed to create and open a toolkit around LGBTQ+ best practices and support for adults with learning disabilities and their supporters
LGBTQ+ Support
The Harbour Project - provide advice, support and practical help to individuals who look to seek asylum or gain refugee status in Swindon.
Wiltshire Police – Report a hate crime.
LGBT Switchboard - A place for calm words when you need them most.
Stonewater - provides quality homes and services for people in housing who need
FFLAG - supporting parents and families and their LGBT+ members.
It's all about your wellbeing - Wellbeing resources for LGBTQ+ people in SW England
A place to find inclusive menopause resources.
Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service
Support for all genders 24/7 365 days of the year with specialist LGBT support.
Helpline 01793 610610
LGBTQ+ antenatal and postnatal education.
The Swindon & Wiltshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre is the first point of contact for people who have experienced rape and serious sexual assault.
Citizens Advice Swindon- Advice on money, benefits, housing, employment or discrimination problems.
NHS Avon and Wiltshire- resources for LGBTQIA+ people including mental health and BAME
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 999 5428
LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline 020 7704 2040
Sexual Health
Terrence Higgins Trust- Terrence Higgins Trust is a British charity that campaigns about and provides services relating to HIV and sexual health.
Swindon Sexual Health Clinic- They offer a drop-in service and also offer free emergency contraception, condoms and Chlamydia self-test kits from selected local pharmacies.
Sexual health for lesbian and bisexual women- Women who have sex with other women can pass on or get STIs. Know how to protect yourself.
Living with HIV and Aids-As well as taking HIV treatment, there are many things you can do to improve your general health and reduce your risk of falling ill.
Free at home HIV tests - NHS
Sexual health for trans and non-binary people- How you can manage risks and maintain good sexual health, and feel good about your sex life.
Swindon & Wiltshire Pride gives notice that the inclusion of links to organisations listed on this website is not an endorsement of their activities and services, nor of any views expressed by them. Swindon & Wiltshire Pride have no control over the nature, content and availability of the sites you are able to link with through this website.